great google web font combinations

10 Best Google Font Combinations You Haven’t Tried Yet

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So what do we have here? Another “top-best-professional-ultimate-super-Google-font-combinations-you-must-try-before-your-rabbit-dies“? WELL, HELL YES. The thing is, pairing fonts and make them look good together is hard as moving on from a break up. Damn..

I’ve spent 10 centuries figuring out beautiful Google font combinations so you might want to take a look. So here’s my compilation of modern font combinations and don’t forget to pass it on to your grand-kids:

Best Google Font Combinations

Font pairing summary:

1. Libre Baskerville and Ubuntu – best Serif and Sans serif font pairing. It’s like bacon and eggs. Both font families offers great variation though.
2. Bree Serif and Imprima – This pair conveys young, feminine, and modern look. So if you’re a chick, use this. Great font combination for blogs.
3. Montserrat and Pontano Sans – a great Google font combination with Montserrat. Good for young businesses, web design agency, portfolio, etc.
4. Oswald and Muli – Tall and bold header paired with thin and wide body text. This style is popular for landing pages.
5. Pt Serif and PT Sans – using the same font family will never fail you yet this is a good sample of professional font combo
6. Volkorn and Raleway (Light) – classic yet sexy pair of bold serif and thin body text. A luxury font combination.
7. Roboto Sans and Roboto Sans (Light) – same font family of sans serif gives you the young look to your site
8. Josefin Slab and Maven Pro – a feminine Google font combo. sweet and sexy! Great font for fashion websites.
9. Oxygen and Source Sans Pro – This two is not that popular but look how these two fonts look good together!
10. Paytone One and Droid Sans – a fat slab fancy headline and a flexible body text. Great for food blogs!

Conclusion: I’ve shed enough blood for this so if you have ideas to make them better, I’ll marry you.

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